Giovanni Galli
Psychologist, educational Psychologist, specialized in giftedness
Taken from:
Alto Potenziale e dintorni.
Quaderni su giftedness, talento, alto potenziale cognitivo, plusdotazione:
Numero 1, in press, 2019, Locarno, zetapiesse-apc
Note: In Italian there is no WISC-V test. The reference is WISC-IV.
- The higher the FSIQ, more is the heterogeneity between the various indexes.
- Two big groups can be hypothesised:
- The one characterized by a harmonious and synchronous evolution of all areas of development (intellectual area, socio-emotional development, psychomotor development),
- The one characterized by a heterochronous evolution in the various areas of development, we therefore have different profiles in different neuro: ADHDs, learning disabilities, Asperger’s.
- These two groups can be highlighted with a full evaluation, not limited to the FSIQ only.
- Heterogeneity of FSIQ tends to be the norm and not the exception in the gifted population (Orsini). Cut off 2sd (standard deviation), ≥ 130 FSIQ.
- With 130 FSIQ points the great majority of subjects present a great heterogeneity, the interpretation of the total FSIQ is not possible.
- Some subtests are more relevant in the assessment of talent. Knowledge of the factors loaded by the subtests improves the examiner’s ability to identify specific strengths and diagnose subtle weaknesses.
- In gifted subjects, the highest value in the WISC is the VCI index, the lowest is the PSI index. The least successful subtest is the “cipher”.
- In the WISC test, approximately 70% have a profile of VCI>PRI>WMI>PSI. (my data follows this trend, see Galli G., Differenze Inter individuali E differenze Inter individuale alla prova WISC-IV di 30 Giovani Gifted,
- GAI>CPI is constant, denoting the discrepancy between intellectual potential and instrumental values.
- In gifted subjects, GAI is the higher value. The GAI is the best index of potential.
- GAI values are more stable, CPI values are much more variable.
- According to the CHC model we will have a prevalence of “fluid intelligence” values over “crystallized intelligence” and “short-term memory” values.
- The more disharmonious the profile, the greater the probability of a neuropsychological disorder, or of a neurodiversity (the greater the disharmony, the greater the frequency of “twice (double exceptionality)”). A heterogeneous profile is a sign of possible disorders.
- Discrepancies significant to the FSIQ reflect heterogeneous development patterns associated with an increased risk of behavioral and emotional problems.
- Behavioural and emotional problems can be the result of internal dissynchronies (differentiated developmental rhythms) and/or of external dissynchronies (distance between needs and growth needs and environmental supply).
- Adaptive difficulties can also occur in gifted children with a homogeneous profile.
- In the WISC test, when we have significantly higher PRI>VCI values, we can expect expressive and/or social difficulties.
- The discrepancy that appears on the instrumental values (ICC) must be investigated with other neuropsychological instruments. The WISC alone is not sufficient to precisely determine the nature and the entity of the instrumental competences.
- In terms of neuro-motor sense maturity (Vaivre Douret), there are various early developments in the acquisition of motor skills, in the early disappearance of primitive reflexes, on the Brunet-Lezine scale.
- It is important to consider not only the statistical aspects, but also the clinical ones. See the analysis of differences.
- Liratni M., Pry R. (2012), indicate 87% of uninterpretable FSIQs (with a threshold of 23 points) in the gifted population.
- Silverman suggests that when the discrepancy between VCI and PRI exceeds 22 points (1.5 GAI standard deviations NOT interpretable) both VCI and PRI are independently appropriate for the selection of gifted programs.
- Orsini and Pezzuti (2016), indicate that the threshold of non-iterpretability of the FSIQ to be considered is statistically 40 points.
- It is therefore up to the clinician to weigh which percentage of rarity of a profile he wants to choose in order to define this threshold (the higher the percentage, the lower the threshold).
- The widening of the threshold of the gifted definition (from ≥130 to ≥120), involves a substantial change in the “typical” descriptive characteristics, or usual to the reference group. With ≥ 130 we have 2.28% of the population, with ≥ 120 we have 9% of the population. With ≥ 115 we have 15%. The statistical (numerical) lowering of the threshold leads to a greater presence of homogeneous profiles, an increase in the g-factor, as well as the significantly lower presence of related problems.
Note: The reference threshold for the gifted definition is aligned with the 2SD definition (FSIQ ≥ 130).
Giftedness and ADHD
- Similar symptoms are:
- inattention (inattention errors, bad listening, distractibility)
- hyper activity
- impulsiveness
- Misdiagnosis, too many gifted not detected but diagnosed ADHD; whereas gifted detected but not diagnosed ADHD.
Giftedness and learning disabilities
- Gifted children with dyslexia can mask literacy problems, such as masking the role of possible compensation mechanisms.
- The result indicate that phonology is a risk factor for dyslexic gifted children; these compensate with lexical skills, vocabulary, instead fall into RAN (rapid automatized naming).
- Pay attention to PSI and WMI.
Giftedness and Asperger’s
1) The gifted + Asperger’s diagnosis can be indicated (will be indicated) when there are socio adaptive difficulties.
For example, the Asperger’s diagnosis may indicate lower values in the sub-scale “socialization”, “communication”, “daily skills” in the Vineland test.
2) Anxiety traits at the two groups are revealed to CBCL, RCMAS-2.
3) Atypical sensory processing is reported, with lack of reactivity (hypo-sensitivity) or hyper-reactivity (hyperesthesia). These elaborations do not depend on the FSIQ level.
4) Explosive emotional reactions are a clinical sign of Asperger’s.
Giftedness and other associated conditions.
- There are various disorders that can be associated. The scientific literature on this subject is not unanimous. One strand associates disorders, another does not.
- In general, indications are given, indications related to a higher statistical frequency (gifted group > witness group):
- Depression
- Self-esteem
- Anxiety
- A significant discrepancy in the FSIQ reflects a heterogeneous developmental model, associated with an increased risk of behavioral and emotional problems.
- In the light of the contradictory data, the pathological danger can/should be considered, but moderately, and however verified with the appropriate tools, if necessary.
- Other syndromes are also described:
- PASS (Prolonged Adaptive Stress Syndrome)
- Pygmalion
- Under achievement
- Intellectual inhibition
- Impostor syndrome
- The research on this subject is mainly carried out in the USA. Cultural differences?
- The research suffers from a statistical defect. They can only refer to the declared gifted, i.e. generally those that have turned to a service.
Internalizing or externalizing reactions?Self-esteem deficits can lead to reactions on various registers:
– on the personal register: with negative self-evaluation and with inhibition, with sadness, somatization, depression;
– on the operative register: with a lack of initiative, decision, motivation, with discouragement and inhibition of action;
– on the relational register: with aggression and violence, or with influence, marginalization, victimhood.
As a momentary synthesis
Giftedness, or high intellectual potential, is a cognitive profile that crosses the whole axis of norm-pathology.
Giftedness groups together different profiles, often disharmonious. Giftedness is not a disease, it is not a symptom, it is not a disorder. Giftedness is often accompanied by other conditions.
These conditions deal with difficulties of the order:
- ADHD (attention and concentration, with or without disruptive behaviour),
- Learning disabilities (instrumental aspects),
- Asperger’s (social, communicative, hypersensitive)
- anxiety – self-esteem.
The relationship with knowledge implies the possibility of using their qualities for the benefit or to the detriment of their relationships; their knowledge, the peculiarities of their language, the discrepancies in development, speed, intuition of thought, hypersensitivity, etc., make it difficult to relate with peers, prompting the young gifted to address adults and/or to distance himself from relationships.
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