Preschool is structured starting from age 3-4. This age, from a evolutive perspective, is important because it follows the first developments of the semiotic function.
As far as Gifted children are concerned, many observations agree on saying that he doesn’t play much (or plays bad) with other kids. But he plays, and he can play.
From an evolutive point of view, the pass from a motor sense thought (age 0-2) to a pre-operational though (age 3-6) shows the development of various tools of the semiotic function: drawing, speaking, imitating and symbolic play. In Gifted children we have to consider two possible dys-synchrony:
- an intern dys-synchrony, considering various developments of the many functions (often, but not always, the Gifted drawing, if rich on a narrative point of view, isn’t much controlled graphically).
- an extern dys-synchrony, considering difficulties in building transitional and proximal spaces of development (to Winnicott and Vygotskij senses).
This is why we suggest to observe the social play sphere as a tool for recover of lost relationships with schoolmates.